Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Now Hiring?-Post 8

Post 8 from Now Hiring?

The Mood I'm In: Pretty Tranquil, thank you very much
The Music I'm Jammin' To: John Coltrane "A Love Supreme"

This week has been pretty uneventful, work wise...meaning I haven't been fired yet. I mean that jokingly, but it's been going pretty smooth. I have two big conferences coming up in two weeks (just before Spring Break). The first one next week is one I've been advising for the past year. When I started, these students didn't have the slightest clue what they were facing. This group was responsible for the feeding, entertaining, bedding, and safety of 1400 participants. Also, our students wanted people to "kick it" and just relax...not realizing they were planning a leadership conference. Well, all the fussin' and complainin' has paid off thus far. At last week's meeting, we ran through the entire conference and responsibilities, and loose ends were being tied up. All in all, a job well done thus far. These students have done a masterful job, and I can't stop gushing about it. After that, there's another conference on campus, one where my students are presenting posters on the "-isms" and their evidence on campus. They're not too thrilled to present, but it's a good opportunity for them, if they recognize it or not. At least I'll get to wear my new fancy suit...let's just say it'll make Michael Jordan weep "Why I can't look smooth like him?" However, let's just say my dry-cleaning bill will be pretty huge the next couple of weeks.

On the job front, I had two phone interviews this week. The first one was with a private school on the East Coast for a multicultural advising position. At first, I was a complete nervous wreck. When they called, my mouth was already dry and the butterflies (more like crows the way they were moving) in my stomach were goin' full force. At times I felt like I was babbling like a 3-year old, and at times I felt I was giving answers with the flow of Talib Kweli or Nas. But, they only asked 4 questions for a 30 minute interview. Which means...I talked a lot. I didn't feel good at all...I thought I completely bombed it (not in a "damn, I'll try it again tomorrow; they'll like me then!" sense, but more of a "damn, what am I gonna do if that's the only interview and I'm gonna have to be a grad student forever?" sense). The phone interview today was for a similar position here in the state I'm living in. It went much better, I was flowin' like Jay-Z with my answers, I wasn't nervous at all...I...WAS...THE...MAN. I was proud of myself...until they finished asking questions. Once they were done, they said "Okay, Thanks!"...then "click". I was wondering (and I still am) whether that's the way they conduct interviews or if they were late to lunch or something. I thought I said something stupid, but I figured that's how they do things there...something I'll just have to get used to.

Well, this damn portfolio paper is calling my name...I must attend to it. Take it easy peeps.

Oh, I forgot....I decided to copycat my fellow blogger with an idea (I hope they don't mind...if they do...well they can find me...HAHAHA!). Hit me up at now_hiring2006@hotmail.com with comments, questions, concerns, job offers, chain letters (not seriously), anything. Any feedback (I like positive notes, mostly) will be appreciated.


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