Friday, February 03, 2006

Now Hiring?-Post 5

Post 5 from Now Hiring?

The Mood: Work on the weekend should be illegal...
Why the walls are shaking: Tony! Toni! Tone! "It Doesn't Rain in Southern California"

Ah, another week of "work" ends, and the weekend is upon me the vast amounts of work I have to do. It seems that job searching is now my "work" because that what takes up most of my time. It's about Eating, Sleeping, and Breathing. However, I've had to deal with some issues at "work". Some of my students are having difficulties with their living arrangements because of contractual agreements. So, they're in situations when they have to inconvenience themselves to get their schoolwork done. It's rather frustrating when someone comes for help and you're powerless to do anything. I'm not a lawyer, so I can't go sue-happy. I'm not a dirty cop, so I can't kick down doors and "persuade" someone to change their ways. Hence, I'm learning to be as supportive as possible.

As for the job search, I've got some decisions to make. I've been sending my resume for multicultural affairs and residence life jobs at the same time. Now, I have some interviews coming up, and I feel I'm in a bind. The main question in my head is, Which one do I choose? Since I've had experience in both areas, I really like both arenas. I could see myself running around at 3 in the morning chasing down inebriated freshmen trying to get into my building, and I can see myself doing diversity training seminars for administrative personnel who should already have the knowledge. I'm not concerned about the pay, though living rent-free sounds pretty good for a broke fool like myself. Now, if you're wondering why I'm having these thoughts, here's two reasons:

1. Everybody tells me that multicultural affairs is this sort of professional "black hole"...if you get in, you'll never get out. Now, I personally don't believe that, but the more I hear it, the more I get the thinkin'. I LOVE the work, but I'm trying not to believe the negative hype. I work with some good folks, and I'm making a difference.
2. Res life seems the most relaxed way to go. Yeah, there's policy enforcement, roommate squabbles, and the everpresent stupidity that is contained in a dorm. From my experience, working at multicultural affairs can get stressful, and res life was pretty easy-going. But note, this comes from relatively little experience working in both. If I was one of those theorists who's been around the block a couple of times (professionally speaking, of course), then my words can be taken a little more seriously.

So, I've got these thoughts in my mind. Hell, if I could do both, I'd be golden. that I'm thinking...everybody that says multicultural affairs work is a "black hole" has never done it...bunch of haters they are! But for now, if I get either one, I'll be happy. Remember, I've got to get my fix of Dunkin' Donuts...


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