Saturday, April 08, 2006

Now Hiring?-Post 18

Post 18 (actually 19) from Now Hiring?

TV: Cardinals vs. Cubs
Radio: Raheem Devaughn "You"

Well, this is post 19...but your beloved blog screwed up on my entry and it didn't show up. Nonetheless, I'll recap this past week for ya...

Monday: Nothing
Tuesday: Nothing
Wednesday: Had oral defense...and passed!
Thursday: Nothing
Friday: Nothing

The past week has been pretty boring. With the semester winding down, there's a lot of "down" time in my office. Students know what's coming up (finals, spring celebration on campus), so there's no immediate need to swing by and say hello. With all the down time, I've started cleaning off my desk (it was an absolute pit, trust me) and making sure the next graduate assistants have everything (I've also had enough time to draft my fantasy baseball team, though my starting pitching lineup is left to be desired).

On the job front, it's still a wait-and-see approach. I have an on-campus interview later next week with a pretty good school. I went to their reception on ACPA and was impressed with their family atmosphere and willingness to get to know me. I'm having a good feeling about this visit and the kinds of people there.

Well, baseball is here, and it requires some of my attention. Take it slow, peeps.


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